Macro view of dry river beds



Bentonite Clay and Environmental Toxins

5 min read


Detoxification and Clay

Detox clays have been used as a detoxification method for hundreds of years to remove all types of disease symptoms. They have the ability to remove toxic metals and chemical residues, bacteria, and blood toxins with virtually no side effects of constipation, diarrhea, or stomach cramping. Studies and other use cases have shown the ability to remove radiation, arsenic, lead, mercury, and other toxic metals in as little as six weeks.

Clays are particularly known for their ability to remove toxic metals from the air, water, and soil because of their unusual structure of “pores” (channels and holes) that allows the clay to absorb huge amounts of contaminant materials. Environmental toxic gases, chemicals, mold, heavy metals, and other toxins are drawn by the natural negative electrical charge into the crystal micropores of the clay. The unique structure of clay provides literally millions of pores or sieves – “shape-selective catalysts” – that catch only molecules small enough to fit into the cavities while excluding larger molecules.

This unique structure gives many types of clay unusual filtering capabilities for absorbing toxic wastes, including radioactive contaminants. In just one gram of Zeolite clay, for instance, the three-dimensional structure of the channels in its crystalline structure provides up to several hundred square meters of surface area on which absorption (and channel reactions) can take place. The Zeolites are particularly useful for removing heavy metals and radioactive species from water.

Clay has been used as a medium for air filters and water filters for ages. It is environmentally friendly for waste dumpsites and has been used as a filter medium not only for the removal of heavy chemical toxins and heavy metals such as iron, zinc, cadmium, lead, and copper from individuals but for the removal of radioactive wastes. Clay has been successful for the extraction of radionuclides from human beings and animals as well.

In Using Energy to Heal, Wendall Hoffman claims that a special Bentonite clay used in a bath can draw out toxic chemicals through pores of the skin and after many experiments, he came to the same conclusions as Hazel Parcells in that the optimum results are obtained by soaking in a tub of very warm water mixed with a special Bentonite clay for 20 minutes!

Bentonite will bind and take out a great number of toxins from anything living, but you should be careful about using clays for baths or internal consumption that have a high aluminum content. There are over 200 different types of Bentonite clay, and the problem with many of these Bentonites is that they have may contain high aluminum content. So, you don’t want to be using the clay without knowing what is in it. Years ago, the same problem existed with various colloidal mineral solutions in that they were choked full of alumina and heavy metals.

Putting that concern aside, the composition of the Bentonite clay particles creates a large surface area in proportion to the volume of the clay and the greater the surface area, the greater its power to pick up positively charged particles or toxins, including uranium, and to suck them out of the body.

Anecdotes on Bentonite Clay Use

Russian scientists used Bentonite clay to protect their bodies from radiation when working with nuclear materials. They would first coat their hands and bodies with hydrated Bentonite mush mixture before donning radiation suits, and presumably, the clay would help trap stray radiation particles. Afterward they would just wash it off.

After Chernobyl, radiation was so great that livestock in some areas was deemed not edible. By feeding the cattle Bentonite for some time before “harvesting,” farmers could get the level down to normal and acceptable levels. A Swedish study showed another kind of Zeolite could decontaminate live animals and meat affected by the same disaster.

U.S. Army studies also show that Bentonite may be a successful treatment for exposure to chemical warfare and one Army emergency livestock protocol calls for immediate administration of Bentonite to counter effects of radiation poisoning in livestock.

All nuclear waste is mixed with Zeolite clay before packaging and stored underground because it helps prevent radioactivity from seeping into the ground after prolonged storage. Surprisingly, the Zeolites are stable even under the highest levels of radiation, a fact proven after the fissions reactor meltdowns at both Three Mile Island and Chernobyl where Zeolites were used to mop up the waste caused by the accidents.

The British Nuclear Fuels (BNF) also uses a specific type of Zeolite clay to remove radioactive strontium and cesium – 137 and, therefore, reduces the radioactivity of liquid waste discharged into the Irish Sea. The Hanford, Washington nuclear weapons facilities are lined with clay to prevent contamination.

Magnetic Clay

For a clay bath to be of any use, not just any clay will do. Bentonite clays can vary tremendously in their ability to pull out toxic metals and chemicals. There are hundreds of different Bentonite clays – ranging from health store brands to expensive green clays – and each one has different chemical compositions and purposes. Many clays sold at health food stores contain chemical emulsifiers, defeating the whole purpose of the bath and many clays are very high in aluminum.

Specially formulated clay baths have been shown to be able to literally pull pollutants out like a magnet, getting rid of years of toxic accumulation in just one bath. Usually, you’ll see dark residue in the clay after the very first time you use it in a bath, and people normally take 6-10 baths (once per week) for regular detoxification purposes. 

Magnetic Clay™ Bath has a superior detox bath, composed of bentonite clay with very trace amounts of aluminum content, and is used for heavy metal detox and to remove radiation. As with all clays, the more you use, the quicker you tend to detox.


About the Author:
Meredith is a geologist, forager, budding herbalist, writer, and health mentor informed – and healed – by the wisdom of nature. She writes ‘The Monthly‘, a newsletter of observations about life and health, delivered to inboxes every full moon since 2013.